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Jumat, 21 September 2012

Jang Keun Suk’s Cri Show II in Nagoya, Tree J staff Twitters [Transl+Photos]

Here are some tweets from Tree J staff regarding the Cri Show II concert in Nagoya:

 the first day of performance in Nagoya. Eels wowed on Prince’s lunar birthday

hari pertama performance di Nagoya. memukau pada hari ulang tahun Pangeran lunar
: 나고야 첫날, 리허설 중! 프린스의 생일이니, 이따 공연때 장어분들 더욱 열광해주세요~! pic.twitter.com/quPO6BhF

Today too, he’s practicing at that height so that he could reach eels.
 Hari ini juga, dia berlatih di ketinggian itu sehingga dia bisa mencapai eels
: 오늘도 장어들에게 다가가기 위해 높은곳에서 열창중 pic.twitter.com/KljzKG51

Rehearsal ended.
 Rehearsal berakhir.
: 리허설 끝나고… リハーサル終わって… yfrog.com/nup8keaj

’2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour The Cri Show 2 in Nagoya’ first concert is starting soon. Prince meeting eels on his lunar calendar birthday! Eels please give cheering and support!^^ See you soon! http://t.co/wB2JRjsn
 '2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour The Cri Show 2 di konser pertama Nagoya 'akan mulai segera. bertemu pangeran pada hari ulang lunar kalender! eels silahkan memberi bersorak dan dukungan ^ ^! Ketemu! http://t.co/wB2JRjsn
 ’2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 나고야’ 첫번째 공연 곧 시작합니다. 프린스의 음력 생일날 장어분들과의 만남! 장어분들 마음껏 프린스를 향해 응원해주세요^^ 곧 만나뵙겠습니다! pic.twitter.com/wB2JRjsn

’2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour The Cri Show 2 in Nagoya’ First concert ended well. A concert day with eels on Prince’s birthday. Thanks for the birthday song. Really happy^^ See you at tomorrow’s concert! http://t.co/eEPNFCtR
 '2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour Show Cri 2 di konser pertama Nagoya 'berakhir dengan baik. Suatu hari konser dengan eels  pada hari ulang tahun Pangeran. Terima kasih untuk lagu ulang tahun. Benar-benar bahagia ^ ^ Sampai jumpa di konser besok! http://t.co/eEPNFCtR
treeJ_company: ’2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 나고야’ 첫번째 공연 잘 끝냈습니다. 장어분들과 함께한 프린스 생일날 공연. 생일축하노래도 감사드립니다. 행복했습니다^^ 내일 더 좋은 공연으로 만나요! pic.twitter.com/eEPNFCtR

Prince who feels hard to breathe after the concert ended… he’s using the red oxygen tank to breathe and yet wants it to look fashionable… ㅠ don’t fall sick… pic.twitter.com/tgvv0ZBb
 Pangeran yang merasa sulit untuk bernapas setelah konser berakhir ... dia menggunakan tangki oksigen untuk bernapas dan belum ingin untuk tampil modis ... tidak jatuh sakit ... pic.twitter.com/tgvv0ZBb
minzzangde: 공연이 끝나자, 숨쉬기도 힘든 프린스… 빨간 산소통을 연거퍼 마신다… ㅠ 빨간 산소통 마저도, 패션으로 승화시키는 프린스지만, 아프지말아요… pic.twitter.com/tgvv0ZBb

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